Oscar Wilson calligram analisys

Monday, 1 October 2012 | |

Oscar Wilson started working in London in 1996 and has worked for many clients in different fields since. He runs his own studio, "Studio Wilson". He specialises in image cration for advertising, TV and fashion. While he has other types of graphic work, for the past few years he's only done calligrams and it's become a definitive aspect of his style.
 In this particular piece Oscar uses a Gorilla to represent the zoo in Camden, and the district in general.  The words that construct the gorilla are specific information about Camden and the zoo. They fit the silhouette of the gorilla but also create an appearance of facial features. The bunched up letters where the gorilla's face is, for example, represent the big nostrils and the prominent brow. The gorilla stands out from the bright green background, and the text and website on the bottom left stand out as well. The add is created for Totally Lond-ON.
 Wilson uses a mixed technique for his work. He uses both traditional and digital mediums. In most of his pieces he has  a simple but effective colour palette. He understands the importance of shape and silhouette.  Even though the gorilla is the main subject of the ad, the text is just the right size and color to be read clearly from afar.
 Oscar Wilson's work is simplistic but bold and unique. I like his use of shape and colour, he knows how to emphasise and attract attention. You can see this in each one of his calligrams. He changes the volume and size of letters to create a three dimensional look to his work.


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