1. Write an explanation of your brief: What did you have to do? How did you come up with the ideas for this project?
For the project we had to make a t-shirt design, using the techniques we've learned so far. To come up with ideas I looked through the typography we did in the last couple of months. I made a lot of different t-shirt examples as well so I can pick the best one in the end.
2. Write about the creative 'journey' of the project: How did you project and ideas evolve from start to finish through experimentation and research?
I made a lot of experiments. Firstly, I drew a sketch in the sketchbook to set the composition. After that I took a photo and tested various techniques in photoshop. I looked at some t-shirts online for inspiration and reference.
Because of the experimentation the design changed, becoming more about the text than the image.
3. Who inspired your final outcomes? You MUST talk about who has inspired your work, and include images and links of/to them!
The character on the design is Bane from The Dark Knight Rises. I looked at some t-shirts of him and there's a couple that inspired me:
Of the artists I've researched,
Oscar Wilson inspired me the most. He has a variety of calligrams and I've done several experiments inspired by his work:
4. What saying or expression did you use? What technique did you use? Was there a link between your materials and the words used? What was it?
All of the text on the design is quotes from the movie ( The Dark Knight ). I used photoshop to make it, and 5-6 custom fonts (eg.
Gotham Lullaby,
Assassin's Dub,
Distorted and Scratchy) There was a link between the words and the fonts I used, for example, words like "gotham" "blood" "the devil" were in a gothic font (Gothic Lullaby), and coloured in red. Other key words like "reckoning" and "the league" are in a bigger, thicker font (Distorted and Scratchy), also coloured in red.
5. What do you think you have done well? What has worked? Are you happy with your final outcome?
I'm quite happy with the final outcome, I think the different fonts work well. Even though the palette is limited it fits the character and it doesn't get too cluttered.
6. What do you think you could have improved in your final outcome? There will be something - nobody is perfect!
I could've added more colours, and added more smaller text. The silhouette could be clearer, but the character himself doesn't have that much of a defining silhouette.
7. Conclusion: Overall how did you find the project? Would you like to complete more typographic work in the future?
I haven't experimented with typography before, so this was definitely new. I liked the amount of freedom we were given because I like to choose my own topics into the project. It makes things like research and analysis more enjoyable. I would be interested in doing more typography, but perhaps not calligrams.