T-shirt development

Monday, 12 November 2012 | |

1. T-shirt ideas
6 different initial ideas for the t-shirt. Most of the prints are pictures I've done through the year (1, 2, 3, 5). I was still thinking of the different techniques I could use. For example, the 4th one is meant for spray paint, 3rd for bleaching and most of the others for heat transfer. I ended up using the heat transfer, and making something a bit different to what we've done up till now.
2. Mood Board
Mood board for the image. I used a couple of the fonts I initially picked (1). I initially intended to use a cooler palette with more blues (3) but ended up using reds. Link to the separate mood board post.

3. Example image
First example image I made in photoshop. I ended up changing it because in the end the picture would be more visible than the typography. I still like it though, might use the same technique later on for something else.

4. Final image
1. Original image from google. As the whole picture will be covered in text, I was looking for something with a clear silhouette and a recognizable pose. There are some snowflakes in the foreground but they're not that noticable.
2. Separating the character from the background, done with pen tool in photoshop. The resolution is pretty small but there are still some details. For example, I made sure the folds were cut out properly and smudged the fur parts of the jacket to make it look more realistic. I also did some color correction. Though the original image had already been retouched, I made the colors warmer and darkened some places (eg. his hands) to keep the viewers eye on the upper body.
3. To focus on the text/typography I made the image completely black for this part. These are Bane's quotes from the movie (The Dark Knight Rises). Different words are emphasized through different fonts, size and color. I used about 5 different fonts, main ones being Gotham LullabyAssassin's DubRedux and Distorted and ScratchyThere was a link between the words and the fonts I used, for example, words like "gotham" "blood" "the devil" were in a gothic font (Gothic Lullaby), and colored in red. Other key words like "reckoning" and "the league" are in a bigger, thicker font (Distorted and Scratchy), also colored in red.  
4. Final image, with the colored words and image in the background. I made the picture a bit darker so the text stands out more.


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