Monday, 17 December 2012 | |

layout analysis

  • composition/layout

This is a single page out of a gardening/food magazine. The images are placed next to the text. There's a column in the centre of the page with little tips that are related to the article, but don't fit in any block of text. The layout isn't very conventional but still

  • fonts/typography
The title is in a simple font, and naturally is bigger in size. All the other "sub" titles are in the same font but in smaller size. The main text is in a non-italic, ordinary font - making the illustrations stand out even more. The focus clearly isn't on the typography.

  • scale
The images take up more space on the page than the text. The text is in a simple font and is quite small. The title and the "sub" titles are in italic and considerably bigger than the main text - thus they're easier to read and attract attention.

  • illustrations
The illustrations are drawn tradigionally, with watercolor, then scanned and probably edited a bit in photoshop. The illustrations are meant to stand out. The article is framed, but the drawings "jump" off the page thanks to the bright colours and splashy effect. They're supposed to look fresh - as the title of the article - and healthy.

  • use of color
The illustrations are pretty much the only "splashes" of colour on the page. The text and everything else is standard - the background is white and the text is black. The collumn in the middle is a light shade of gray. The illustrations are the accents of the article.


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